Peter Goes Digital at UFL
4 April, 2020 by
Peter Goes Digital at UFL
Waterbergh Management, Peter Kayatz

Lectures on Financial Planning at UFL - Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein

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Since 2015, I am entrusted with the lectures on financial planning as part of the postgraduate doctoral programme in medical science (Dr. scient. med.) at the Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein (UFL). In one part of the course, the students develop a planning balance sheet for a simple model enterprise.

From a Length of Wallpaper ...

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In group work, four teams of students develop a balance sheet over ten years, with different starting parameters. Formerly, the concept was that the participants draft the balance sheet on a length of wallpaper. Finally, for a comparative balance discussion, we fixed the wallpapers, where they belong, to the wall.

... to Digital Breakout Sessions

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Due to the corona onset and the resulting mandatory social distancing, UFL swiftly and professionally implemented an interactive online lecturing system. So, we stopped felling tries for wallpaper production 😉 and switched to Excel and digital breakout sessions for the group work.

Thanks to the staff and experts of UFL for this great solution and their tireless support!

Peter Goes Digital at UFL
Waterbergh Management, Peter Kayatz 4 April, 2020
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